Faculty & Staff Directory

DC = Department Chair

Position Name Phone Email
Office of the President Deacon Rick Wagner, President (317) 582-0120 x302 rwagner@hotelsclue.com
Cathy Dolan, Executive Assistant to the President (317) 582-0120 x289 cdolan@hotelsclue.com
Principal James McNeany (317) 582-0120 x225 jmcneany@hotelsclue.com
Leona Chianello, Assistant to the Principal (317) 582-0120 x231 lchianello@hotelsclue.com
Chaplain Fr. Coady Owens, Chaplain (317) 582-0120 x215 frcoady@hotelsclue.com
Assistant Principals Jeff Bach, Assistant Principal of Student Services (317) 582-0120 x223 jdbach@hotelsclue.com
Christine Williams, Assistant Principal/Director of Academics (317) 582-0120 x239 cwilliams@hotelsclue.com
Attendance ATTENDANCE LINE (317) 660-0404
Joni Hitchcock, Attendance Officer (317) 582-0120 x221 jhitchcock@hotelsclue.com
Receptionist Debbie Shafer, Receptionist (317) 582-0120 x226 dshafer@hotelsclue.com
Judy Mayhew, Receptionist (317) 582-0120, x226 jmayhew@hotelsclue.com
Admissions Jackie Bach, Director of Enrollment Management (317) 582-0120 x279 jbach@hotelsclue.com
Kathleen Prohaska ’13, Admissions Outreach Specialist (317) 582-0120 x318 kprohaska@hotelsclue.com
Heidi Clarke, Admissions Assistant (317) 582-0120 x316 hclarke@hotelsclue.com
Julie Ferrucci, Admissions Assistant (317) 582-0120 x320 jferrucci@hotelsclue.com
Miriam Bovkis, Hispanic Family Liaison (317) 582-0120 x255 mbovkis@hotelsclue.com
Advancement Lori Norris, Vice President of Institutional Advancement (317) 582-0120 x216 lnorris@hotelsclue.com
Lynn Spartz, Director of Annual Giving/Alumni Relations (317) 582-0120 x208 lspartz@hotelsclue.com
Charlie Barry, Corporate Sponsorship/Sports Information Specialist (317) 582-0120 x249 cbarry@hotelsclue.com
Maureen Nielsen, Special Event and Campaign Specialist (317) 582-0120 x209 mnielsen@hotelsclue.com
Marcey Zolner, Advancement Service Specialist (317) 582-0120 x212 mzolner@hotelsclue.com
Athletics Ryan Davis, Director of Athletics (317) 582-0120 x210 rdavis@hotelsclue.com
Alfie Hernandez, Assistant Director of Athletics (317) 582-0120 x313 ahernandez@hotelsclue.com
Debbie Stanisz, Associate Director of Athletics (317) 582-0120 x292 dstanisz@hotelsclue.com
Jaime Waymouth, Kinesiology/Head Strength and Conditioning Coordinator (317) 582-0120 x291 jwaymouth@hotelsclue.com
Abigail Rumer, Athletic Trainer (317) 582-0120 x285 arumer@hotelsclue.com
Dr. Catherine Reese, Team Physician (317) 582-0120 x285
Charlie Barry, Corporate Sponsorship/Sports Information Specialist (317) 582-0120 x249 cbarry@hotelsclue.com
Shari McGrath, Spirit Shop Specialist (317) 582-0120 x321 smcgrath@hotelsclue.com
Business Mike Panasuk (DC) (317) 582-0120 x265 mpanasuk@hotelsclue.com
Tom Dilley (317) 582-0120 x260 tdilley@hotelsclue.com
Andy Cowen (317) 582-0120 x207 acowen@hotelsclue.com
Johnathan Hayes (317) 582-0120 x332 jhayes@hotelsclue.com
Campus Ministry Jim O’Connor, Director of Campus Ministry and Student Life (317) 582-0120 x238 joconnor@hotelsclue.com
Stephanie Tebbe, Campus Minister (317) 582-0120 x354 stebbe@hotelsclue.com
Anna (Ponchak) Bigot, Campus Ministry & Student Life Assistant (317) 582-0120 x206 annabigot@hotelsclue.com
Communications and Marketing Colleen Ward, Director of Marketing (317) 582-0120 x230 cward@hotelsclue.com
Kelly Kijovsky, Communications & Media Specialist (317) 582-0120 x358 kkijovsky@hotelsclue.com
Leslie Webber, Communications Assistant (317) 582-0120 x359 lwebber@hotelsclue.com
Counseling Amy Klink, Director of Counseling/School Counselor (A-B) (317) 582-0120 x271 aklink@hotelsclue.com
Bridget Ryan, School Counselor (C-Go) (317) 582-0120 x222 bryan@hotelsclue.com
Emily McAulay, School Counselor (Gp-Mc) (317) 582-0120 x314 emcaulay@hotelsclue.com
Melissa Riethman, School Counselor (Md-Sc) (317) 582-0120 x270 mriethman@hotelsclue.com
Grace Pratt, School Counselor (Sd-Z) (317) 582-0120 x233 gpratt@hotelsclue.com
Julie Walton, Registrar (317) 582-0120 x227 jwalton@hotelsclue.com
Engineering & Technology Jeremy Cromer (317) 582-0120 x252 jcromer@hotelsclue.com
Facilities Mark Phillips, Director of Facilities and Technology (317) 582-0120 x350 mphillips@hotelsclue.com
Alvis (AJ) Johnson, Maintenance (317) 582-0120 x366 ajohnson@hotelsclue.com
Christopher Borghese, Maintenance Technician (317) 582-0120 x369 cborghese@hotelsclue.com
Matthew Hession, Athletic Fields & Grounds Specialist (317) 582-0120 x372 mhession@hotelsclue.com
Finance and Accounting Office Dawn Guckien, Director of Finance and Business Operations (317) 582-0120 x219 dguckien@hotelsclue.com
Betsy Grocki, Tuition & Financial Aid Specialist (317) 582-0120 x213 bgrocki@hotelsclue.com
Amy Holland, Accounts Payable Specialist (317) 582-0120 x303 aholland@hotelsclue.com
Matthew Walton, Accounts Receivable and Payroll Specialist (317) 582-0120 x232 mwalton@hotelsclue.com
Health Services Mary Harris, RN, BSN (317) 582-0120 x111 nurse@hotelsclue.com
Nancy Scott, BSN, RN (317) 582-0120 x111 nurse@hotelsclue.com
Kinesiology / Health Tommy Mascari (DC) (317) 582-0120 x242 tmascari@hotelsclue.com
Jen Mascari (317) 582-0120 x315 jmascari@hotelsclue.com
Jaime Waymouth, Kinesiology/Head Strength and Conditioning Coordinator (317) 582-0120 x291 jwaymouth@hotelsclue.com
Language Arts Adrian DeBoy (DC) (317) 582-0120 x290 adeboy@hotelsclue.com
Robert (Bobby) Allen (317) 582-0120 x205 ballen@hotelsclue.com
Shelley Horn (317) 582-0120 x272 shorn@hotelsclue.com
Rachel Macauley (317) 582-0120 x281 rmacauley@hotelsclue.com
Sheryl Niccum (317) 582-0120 x331 sniccum@hotelsclue.com
Krista Stubbs (317) 582-0120 x294 kstubbs@hotelsclue.com
Sr. Maria Grace Thielman, OP (317) 582-0120 x264 srmariagrace@hotelsclue.com
Learning Coach Jeff Buckner (317) 582-0120 x273 jbuckner@hotelsclue.com
Learning Support Dawn Street, Director of Learning Support (317) 582-0120 x335 dstreet@hotelsclue.com
Peggy Gillig, Learning Support Teacher (317) 582-0120 x220 pgillig@hotelsclue.com
Mary McGreal, Learning Support Teacher (317) 582-0120 x240 mmcgreal@hotelsclue.com
Brenda Armie, Learning Support Instructional Assistant (317) 582-0120 barmie@hotelsclue.com
Ana Smock, Learning Support Instructional Assistant (317) 582-0120 x241 asmock@hotelsclue.com
Math Natalie Moster (DC) (317) 582-0120 x352 nmoster@hotelsclue.com
Kristin Bunnell (317) 582-0120 x276 kbunnell@hotelsclue.com
Tom Gallagher (317) 582-0120 x286 tgallagher@hotelsclue.com
Tricia Gandhi (317) 582-0120 x298 tgandhi@hotelsclue.com
Traci Murphy (317) 582-0120 x340 tmurphy@hotelsclue.com
Mary Noyes (317) 582-0120 x280 mnoyes@hotelsclue.com
Perry Page (317) 582-0120 x247 ppage@hotelsclue.com
Rebecca (Zatkulak) Schafer (317) 582-0120 x342 rschafer@hotelsclue.com
Media Services Marcia Murphy, Director of Fine Arts/Media Specialist (317) 582-0120 x235 mmurphy@hotelsclue.com
Music Angie Goćur (DC), Assistant Director of Fine Arts (317) 582-0120 x202 agocur@hotelsclue.com
Sarah May (317) 582-0120 x361 smay@hotelsclue.com
Ebonie Moore (317) 582-0120 x353 emoore@hotelsclue.com
Matthias Murphy (317) 582-0120 x248 mjmurphy@hotelsclue.com
Science Gwen Wieczorek (DC) (317) 582-0120 x245 gwieczorek@hotelsclue.com
Jenny Greene (317) 582-0120 x330 jgreene@hotelsclue.com
Michael Hanley (317) 582-0120 x268 mhanley@hotelsclue.com
Karen Kennedy (317) 582-0120 x306 kkennedy@hotelsclue.com
David Kuefler (317) 582-0120 x246 dkuefler@hotelsclue.com
Steve Reinke (317) 582-0120 x244 sreinke@hotelsclue.com
Hugh Ross (317) 582-0120 x275 hross@hotelsclue.com
Ellen Slaney (317) 582-0120 x203 eslaney@hotelsclue.com
Social Studies Meaghan Neman (DC) (317) 582-0120 x278 mneman@hotelsclue.com
Stephanie Ganser (317) 582-0120 x319 sganser@hotelsclue.com
Zach Haselhorst (317) 582-0120 x282 zhaselhorst@hotelsclue.com
John Lux (317) 582-0120 x263 jlux@hotelsclue.com
Dan Muchler (317) 582-0120 x261 dmuchler@hotelsclue.com
Sara Reeves (317) 582-0120 x269 sreeves@hotelsclue.com
Thomas Streiff (317) 582-0120 x262 tstreiff@hotelsclue.com
Strength & Conditioning Jaime Waymouth, Kinesiology/Head Strength and Conditioning Coordinator (317) 582-0120 x291 jwaymouth@hotelsclue.com
Technology Department Mark Phillips, Director of Facilities and Technology (317) 582-0120 x350 mphillips@hotelsclue.com
Ryan Casey, Technology Support Specialist (317) 582-0120 x229 rcasey@hotelsclue.com
Michelle Hanlin, Database and Information Systems Specialist (317) 582-0120 x289 mhanlin@hotelsclue.com
Theology Sister Paulina Forster, OP (DC) (317) 582-0120 x351 srpaulina@hotelsclue.com
Jason Adams (317) 582-0120 x204 jadams@hotelsclue.com
Doug Cline (317) 582-0120 x218 dcline@hotelsclue.com
Lauren LaCoy (317) 582-0120 x355 llacoy@hotelsclue.com
Thomas Sheridan (317) 582-0120 x237 tsheridan@hotelsclue.com
Brad Sponhauer (317) 582-0120 x281 bsponhauer@hotelsclue.com
Billy Thompson ’11 (317) 582-0120 x217 bthompson@hotelsclue.com
Visual Arts Beth Wagoner (DC) (317) 582-0120 x236 bwagoner@hotelsclue.com
Micaela Mitchell (317) 582-0120 x309 mmitchell@hotelsclue.com
World Languages Liane Foerder (DC) (317) 582-0120 x304 lfoerder@hotelsclue.com
Scott Hudson (317) 582-0120 x323 shudson@hotelsclue.com
Steve Perkins (317) 582-0120 x214 sperkins@hotelsclue.com
Marc Pulvermuller (317) 582-0120 x243 mpulvermuller@hotelsclue.com
Sarah Schirripa (317) 582.0120 x310 sschirripa@hotelsclue.com
Jason Wagoner (317) 582-0120 x251 jwagoner@hotelsclue.com

DC = Department Chair